Full Retro Rock-IT Low Budget Jukebox Restoration
1 video | Rent $12.99 | Buy $15.99
This is your best value. The entire 1 hour and 43 minute video including all the sections uninterrupted and it includes some handy troubleshooting tips at the end. PLEASE BE ADVISED THE CONTACT INFO AT THE END OF THE VIDEO IS NOT VALID.
1 video | Rent $3.99 | Buy $5.99
Choosing your Jukebox
1 video | Rent $3.99 | Buy $5.99
Tips on choosing the Jukebox that you would like to buy... Approximately 6 minutes
1 video | Rent $9.99 | Buy $11.99
Jukebox Disassymbly
1 video | Rent $9.99 | Buy $11.99
Approximately 27 minutes. Tons of tips and tricks on totally disassembling the Jukebox
1 video | Rent $3.99 | Buy $5.99
Cleaning the Jukebox
1 video | Rent $3.99 | Buy $5.99
Approximately 7 minutes long. Lots of advice on how to properly clean all of the Jukebox parts.
1 video | Rent $3.99 | Buy $5.99
Taping and Painting your Jukebox
1 video | Rent $3.99 | Buy $5.99
Approximately 5 minutes. All of the advice that you would need on how to properly tape and get ready for painting.
1 video | Rent $9.99 | Buy $11.99
Jukebox Reassembly
1 video | Rent $9.99 | Buy $11.99
Approximately 16 minutes. This video shows how everything goes back together... Advise that it would be better to see this video after watching the disassembly
1 video | Rent $7.99 | Buy $9.99
The Mechanism - Reassembly
1 video | Rent $7.99 | Buy $9.99
Approximately 10 minutes long. This is a great video showing how everything goes back together on the mechanism once again... It would be better to watch the complete disassembly video.
1 video | Rent $3.99 | Buy $5.99
The Mechanism - Clutch Adjustment
1 video | Rent $3.99 | Buy $5.99
Almost 6 minutes a video. Incredible information on how to get your clutch adjusted.
1 video | Rent $3.99 | Buy $5.99
The Mechanism - Tone Arm Adjustments
1 video | Rent $3.99 | Buy $5.99
Approximately 5 minutes long. This segment covers all of the common adjustments that need to be done for the tonearm and needle adjustment.